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Elections are due in Australia in the coming months and all the promises from politicians (or potential politicians) are thrown at us to try and secure our vote. We know the promises will not be kept but we vote because its compulsory. All the categories that make up our population hope there will be something in the promises for them. One category the elderly/pensioners and the aged can expect little or nothing, we may be dead before the votes are counted. So what would be good for us in our old age. Well in my opinion a start would be dental assistance, medicare covers some of the costs I know but speaking as an aged person the word dental in regards to old aged pensioners etc is a joke. Dental is reference to teeth and as I said medicare covers some of the costs but dentures that a very high percent of us have gets no assistance at all apart for a small amount to cover the visit. The cost of a full set of dentures is astronomical for a pensioners. Governments of whatever persuasion want us to eat healthy to keep us from being a burden to the health system. We would if we could afford the food and more important have the means to eat it. So we will be left out once again.
The things I find hard to understand is the lack of imagination of the people that form government, opposition, cross benches etc do any of them have parents or grand parents still alive I guess with their salaries they can subsidize them, hey ho. What on earth is the point when they meet as government in parliament to make rules and pass bills and tell everyone that their plans will lead to a better life for Australians by 2050, climate change will be under control, electric cars will be the norm and the world will be a happier place. These pollies have the foresight and the imagination to predict that far ahead. 25 years from now. Look back 25 years did those pollies know the world would be in the mess it is now and they planned what we have now. An interesting word "NOW" "US" here and now today, lets make a down payment of $800 million to that crackpot in the USA for a submarine deal that we might get one in 2030 and some in 2050. and when we get them we will still be 25years behind and the pollies of the day will still be making predictions 25 or more years ahead. Of course I wont be here so why make me vote for someone who is going to lie to me because he wants to control me. This is all my opinion of course. Thats enough for now its bedtime.opinion of course
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